Do You Have Radon Gas In Your Home?

What Is Radon Gas?

Radon gas is colorless, orderless and radioactive. The gas is naturally occurring as the byproduct of minerals decaying in your soil. Minnesota is known to have radon gas present, and in a large part of the state the predicted average indoor screening level is greater than the suggested action level of 4 pCi/L. 

Radon gas naturally rises out of the ground following the path of least resistance. This means that any cracks or openings in your basement floor and walls or openings for plumbing and your sump pump will allow the gas to leach into the living spaces of your home. Exposure to this gas has been linked to lung cancer.

Radon Gas concerns increase during cold months.

Open windows during the summer can help to dissipate some radon gas by ventilating your home. When winter arrives windows are closed and we loose the temporary advantage of the extra ventilation allowing radon gas to accumulate.

What Are The Dangers of Radon Gas?

We Can Test Your Home & Offer Solutions To Help Protect Your Family.

AEM Mechanical Services, Inc. offers radon gas testing that will help you determine if the amount of gas present in your home requires mitigation. If your home measures high, there are solutions that we can implement to help reduce the amount of this potentially deadly gas in your home.

Click here to learn more by visiting our website.

For immediate radon gas detection and remediation service,  call AEM Mechanical Services, Inc. at 320-587-0991.