An expensive lesson learned.
From a dairy to a water treatment plant to a chemical manufacturing facility, process piping is an integral and critical component of a successful operation. But what happens if the wrong process piping is used?
Recently AEM Mechanical Services, Inc. was contracted to replace the process piping in a galvanizing plant. The original contractor incorrectly used plastic piping instead of steel as was dictated by the piping application. What should have lasted twenty to thirty years, barely made it ten. Adding salt to the wound, the cost of replacing the piping throughout the plant exceeded $150K. As if that were not bad enough, loss of production while the process piping was replaced cost the company even more.
Choosing the correct process piping material for use in any capacity is determined by the chemical content of the materials carried in the pipes as well as the temperature of that material. For example, while PVC piping might be adequate to transport water, it would not be the right choice for carrying molten zinc. Whether the piping is PVC, steel or galvanized, it is critical that you work with an experienced, licensed contractor such as those at AEM Mechanical Services, to choose the correct piping and professionally install it.
Additionally, if you are experiencing issues with leaking, sluggish movement of material through pipes, or noticeable corrosion, it is important to have a licensed contractor inspect the piping.
Having the correct process piping professionally installed is critical to your businesses’ long term success and
will help to prevent you from learning an expensive lesson down the road.
For more information on process piping inspections or installation, contact us today.