By Marty Wegner on Thursday, 05 January 2017
Category: Home Heating

Four Common Heating Issues During A Minnesota Winter

Fighting the bone chilling cold.

No matter how cold it gets outside, we all want to be warm and cozy inside our homes. Our ancestors had to rely on fireplaces and wood burning stoves for winter warmth. Fortunately we have some very sophisticated heating systems that are far superior. Unfortunately there are also more things that can go wrong, leaving us feeling the cold.

Four common winter heating issues exposed.

Sudden Loss of Heat: While the loss of heat may be sudden, it may take a short while for you to notice the change in temperature. There are several issues that may cause a sudden loss of heat.

Furnace Short Cycling: This is when your furnace turns on and off again quickly preventing your furnace from giving you enough heat to warm your home to a comfortable level. Some common things to check are:

Cold Spots: Don't worry finding cold spots in your home doesn't necessarily point to ghosts, there are plenty of more worldly causes that are likely at play.

Sky High Utility Bills: Probably the most frightening home heating issue is the how much it costs to heat your home. We live in Minnesota, so we understand we will need to heat our homes most of the year and there is a cost associated with that. However, there can be many reasons for higher than normal heating bills.

If you and your family are finding yourselves over-dressing in your home or wrapping up in blankets to keep warm you may want to give the friendly experts at AEM Mechanical Services, Inc. a call and make your home more comfortable this winter.

For help getting the temperature in your home under control,  call AEM Mechanical Services, Inc. at 320-587-0991.

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